Practical information
School hours
The school opens at 7:45am
The office is open from 7:45am to 3:30pm daily, except Fridays when it closes at 2:30pm. The school's phone number is 411 7700 and email address is
Students should bring healthy, nutritious snacks from home. On special occasions, teachers may allow students to bring other types of snacks.
Students wear standard swimwear in swimming classes. Students wear standard athletic clothing in physical education classes. Athletic shoes are not allowed in grades 1-2 but are required from grade 3 onward. Students are encouraged to shower after physical education classes. Students must bring their own towels from home.
Phone use
Árbæjarskóli is a phone-free school. Students may not use phones during school hours without special permission from a teacher. If students bring phones to school, they must be kept in school bags, locked lockers or phone pouches (during class). This also applies to headphones, AirPods, buds and similar items.
Exemption from school attendance
Here is a request form for student school leave of 3-5 days.
Here is the request form for leave exceeding one week.